Bowl of Jelly Beans
How many red beans do you have?
Difficulty: medium
In this challenge, you are asked to analyze a bowl of jelly beans. Your analysis should include the frequency of each bean color and a method that will return the probability of picking a particular colored jelly bean. The BeanAnalysis
type should look something like:
1type BeanAnalysis = {
2 red: number; //number of red beans
3 green: number; //number of green beans
4 blue: number; //number of blue beans
5 probability: (color: string) => number
Write a function that will create an analysis of a bowl of jelly beans.
analyeBeans(beans: BowlOfBeans) => BeanAnalysis
Hint: your BeanAnalysis
should include all bean colors even if the bowl does not have every color!
Hint: your solution should make it easy to change the color of beans available